Best Kitchen Knife Sharpening Steel

The state-of- the-art design of this steel sharpening knife ensures expert sharpening for any kind of blade. Koto Japan is one of the trailblazers of diamond sharpening tools. The electroplated diamond tool has a coating of extra strength and durability. Given the price, the sharpener is practically a steal to add on with your next knife purchase. Just place the tip of the rod on a hard surface and stroke downwards with your knife. Repeat on the other side.
And it looks good too
The sleek design of this sharpener is aesthetic and practical. It will make any kitchen look professional.
RR Rating:
# of Reviews: 4380+
◘ ELEGANT DESIGN: A pleasing and attractive addition to any kitchen or work area.
◘ DIAMOND ELECTOPLATING: State-of-the-art manufacturing for precision Kitchen, Home or Hunting blade sharpening. Ensures efficient and sharp sharpening of dull knives and tools.
◘ OVAL SHAPE: This knife sharpener rod is designed to ensure higher sharpening efficiency.
◘ ERGONOMIC HANDLE: Designed for aesthetics and practicality.